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Dear #FDA, #WeCanRead!

In partnership with Farm Sanctuary, Advancing Law for Animals launches "Dear #fda, #wecanread" campaign!

FDA is requesting information on consumer perception of everyday plant-based dairy alternatives. In other words, FDA is asking whether consumers understand household staples like soy milk and almond milk.

As Advancing Law for Animals explained in its legal analysis to FDA, prohibiting everyday names like almond milk is both unnecessary and unconstitutional. And consumers around the country agree. That's why they're joining Advancing Law for Animals and Farm Sanctuary in the #wecanread campaign, and you can, too!

✳️ Tell FDA we don't want or need further regulation of plant-based dairy alternatives--we can read! ✳️


1️⃣📲 Take a selfie with your favorite plant-based milk, cheese, or yogurt. 2️⃣✏️ Include the caption, “Dear #fda, #wecanread. Prohibiting names like “almond milk” is unnecessary and unconstitutional.” 3️⃣🎯 Tag @advancinglawforanimals, @farmsanctuary, and your favorite plant-based milk, cheese, and yogurt companies!



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